RB v2.2 Filters and Actions
Features import
The main goal for this plugin is, if compatibiliy should be remain from the old plugin, the code itself should not be copy-pasted. Codebase should be renewed. Following below is a list of things that has been extra considered and explained why a specific action has been taken.
Stock handling
Filters and actions
Normally, when building plugins there's probably a first time for everything. And if there is a second rebuild, compatibility could be handy. For this plugin, the codebase have been browsed and all prior filters have been picked up to maintain anything that looks like a compatibility requirement.
Filter | Status | Destiny | Issue |
resurs_bank_order_status_update | IN PROGRESS | Deprecated feature to fire up extra functions during status updates in WooCommerce. Among others used as a way to run $order→payment_completed() and similar functions for systems that really needs this. Normally, this kind of actions has not been supported until just recently. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resursbank_set_storeid | IMPLEMENTED | StoreId. Wants backwards compatibility, but with a planned integration made differently Should reside in all flows. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_getaddress_enabled | IMPLEMENTED | Disable/Enable getAddress fields in checkout. Could be handy with backwords-compatiblity. Breaking change: Can not be used to disable the getAddress forms, just to enable. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_trigger_test_callback | IMPLEMENTED | Testing callback filter. Allows thirdparties to join the testing in 2.x, probably not necessary but we may keep it. Generates filter with html. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resursbank_custom_annuity_string | IMPLEMENTED | Customized annuity factors. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
woocommerce_resurs_bank_<type>_checkout_icon (iconified method) | IMPLEMENTED | Payment method based filter. Could be handy to import such method (and be backward-compatible) to automatically display custom icons. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
Removed filters and actions
Filters marked as INCOMPATIBLE may have been implemented but as something else
Filter | Status | Destiny | Issue |
resurs_obsolete_coexistence_disable | IGNORED | Implemented. But just to make sure that the old version can be disabled, so it won't interfere. Plugin is no longer taking advantage of this feature. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_bank_simplified_checkout_methods | INCOMPATIBLE | Unsure of the function. Resides under notify_resurs_admin_parts_disabled which seems to be a notification section. It may have a history to frontend somewhere, but this will probably be left out. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_method_is_enabled | INCOMPATIBLE | Payment method based function to disable or enable a specific payment method. Injected in the class creator. Should be rewritten IF imported. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_bank_checkout_methods_enabled | INCOMPATIBLE | Filter the resides in the gateway parts. Code explains... Also resides in flow_omni. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_match_getpayment_keys | INCOMPATIBLE | Resides in refunding section. Changes how the keying is being made while running refunds. If keys are changed the refunding will be more or less sensitive depending on the keys. Incompatible with current solution. Besides, afterShop handling is planned to be handled more freely with user responsibility in mind. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_bank_force_govid_field | REMOVED | Fixed description: Force getAddress information to show government id. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_trigger_test_callback_timestamp | INCOMPATIBLE | Same as Error rendering macro 'jira' : null  but for timestamps. Don't really know why it's here (yet). | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resursbank_location_last_checkout | INCOMPATIBLE | Resides in checkout page. Used to track location of RCO so cart can be recalculated for remote again, if customers are jumping around in multiple browsers/tabs. Could be very effective. Used from v3core (the small release that crashed). |
allow_resurs_run | REMOVED | Disables/enables old plugin to run in sections where it doesn't belong. Resides in allowPluginToRun with preventGlobalInterference. Do not import if possible. Solve the problem. How about afterShopFlow? Can it handle its own older orders? | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_refund_price_override | INCOMPATIBLE | See Error rendering macro 'jira' : null . Overrider for refunding. Meaning, if set, refunding on something else than the getPayment price can be overriden.Eventually this feature should always be an overrider, that matches the Resurs side payment. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_option | REMOVED | Allows options to be changed on fly. Should not be included. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_bank_model_prefix | REMOVED | Model prefix. Used with the old class definitions where all methods were physically saved as files - for WPMU (Wordpress Network). | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
woocommerce_resurs_bank_checkout_icon | REMOVED | Icon that seems to be malplaced as RCO is not generating local images. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_pte_account | REMOVED | Not necessary. Old failover for changing account APIs based on username. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_admin_sort_methods_by_value | REMOVED | Payment sorting by value. Skip this and build a sorter that is instead is fetching payment methods as received from the API (nordic rules requires this). | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resursAdminJs | REMOVED | Localization that reminds me about the current installment. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
session handling filters | REMOVED | (resursbank_start_session_before/resursbank_start_session_outside_admin_only) As it seems we do not use session stuff (yet) in the current release. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
woocommerce_get_sections_<id> | REMOVED | Custom configurable sections. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_bank_init_enabled | REMOVED | Yet another disabler. Allows disabling of the initial class gateway generatator. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_bank_js_payment_methods | REMOVED | Filter that handles customer-checkout-backend eventually. I don't see the needs of it here. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_methodlist_timediff | REMOVED | An emergency payment method list updater that allows us to change the final timediff. Probably not necessary. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |
resurs_hook_<type> | REMOVED | Resides in an isolation that is probably used to fetch callbacks and allow more actions for them in background. This feature will be replaced by a natural filter, as it covers callback amongst other. | Error rendering macro 'jira' : null |