Actions, filters, triggers
Implementing deprecated filters
If you for some strange reason would like to implement filters that has been used in the old plugin, implementation should look like this. In this live example, you actually execute the deprecated filter before executing the up-to-date one. Doing this, you get the chance to inject old values on the way through the new filter.
$deprecatedStoreId = WordPress::applyFiltersDeprecated('set_storeid', null); $storeId = (int)WordPress::applyFilters('setStoreId', $deprecatedStoreId);
Implemented and available filters
This plugin offers a bunch of internal filters and actions. Below is a complete list of them. The since field will be filled from the first stable release (as long as we are in version 0.0, that field will remain empty).
Filter name | Type | In | Return | Since | Description |
| |||||
rbwc_order_status_update | action | $orderId $newStatusSlug | Silent | Preferred as an action to fire up more features during callback status changes and manually updated statuses in the order admin. Will be used to run payment_completed() during finalized orders. If further actions is required, we or a developer can make use of this action. | |
rbwc_get_custom_form_fields | filter | $currentArray | $yourArray | If settings are dependent of other activated options in the configuration, this filter should be used. The plugin use this internally, to enable/disable the developer-options tab. | |
rbwc_get_plugin_information | filter | $content | $yourContent | Content added to this section will be shown in the information/support, as a part of the "version view". If you for example need to show openssl releases or other vital data for your platform, you should add it here. Example: [ 'OpenSSL version' => defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT') ? OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT : '' ] | |
rbwc_can_display_order_info_after_details | filter | boolean | boolean | rbwc_can_display_order_info_after_<WHERE> The can_display-trio is used to disable each payment info section in the admin view. The details section also has a separate action that triggers instead of the standard action from woocommerce. That action delivers all payment information required to recreate the "bluebox information" from v2.x. | |
rbwc_show_order_details | action | $orderData | Is echo | This action is executed right after the rbwc_can_display_order_info_after_details-filter. By disabling the three can_display_order_info and execute this hook with a full order representation, it is possible to create your own view right after the order details in the admin. This is pushed in here, in case the future requires a different view from this plugin. | |
rbwc_can_display_order_info_after_billing | filter | boolean | boolean | rbwc_can_display_order_info_after_<WHERE> The can_display-trio is used to disable each payment info section in the admin view. | |
rbwc_can_display_order_info_after_shipping | filter | boolean | boolean | rbwc_can_display_order_info_after_<WHERE> The can_display-trio is used to disable each payment info section in the admin view. | |
rbwc_get_payment_field_size | filter | $size, $fieldName | integer | If you believe you need a shorter or longer value for the default payment field lenght, that is set to 24, you can apply for that value here. | |
rbwc_prefer_article_number_sku | filter | boolean | boolean | If you have further requirements of how article numbers are fetched, you could return true for this, to make the plugin use Sku instead - if it exists. This is not configurable through the admin interface as it is handled as a filter instead. If it is really necessary to use SKU, use this filter. | |
rbwc_get_article_number | filter | $currentArticleNumber, WC_Product | $theArticleNumber | If you have further ways of fetching an article from a WC_Product object, this is where you do it. | |
rbwc_coupons_ex_tax | filter | boolean, WC_Coupon | boolean | For special occasions when the options should remain untouched but we still need to make exceptions for coupons. | |
rbwc_get_coupon_vat_pct | filter | integer | integer | Default value for vat percent in the coupon calculcation method is 0. Coupons are normally, at least in Sweden, already applied with vat. | |
rbwc_get_address_disabled | filter | boolean | boolean | Disable getAddress form in checkout (where it is implementable). | |
rbwc_js_loaders_checkout | filter | array | array | List of javascripts (frameworks?) that should be loaded during RCO. | |
rbwc_get_shipping_name | filter | string | string | Generates own article number for shipping if the default "shipping" is not preferred, or if another translation is needed. | |
rbwc_get_shipping_description | filter | string | string | Generates a orderline description for the shipping, if the preferred translation for "Shipping" is not preferred. | |
rbwc_get_fee_name | filter | string | string | Generates own article number for payment fees, if the default "fee" is not preferred, or if another translation is needed. | |
rbwc_get_fee_description | filter | string | string | Generates a orderline description for the fee, if the preferred translation for "Payment fee" is not preferred. | |
rbwc_set_store_id | filter | string | string | Set a store id for the payment request. | |
rbwc_trigger_callback | filter | array | array | External code to handle test callbacks. | |
rbwc_get_address_button_text | filter | string | string | Alternative naming or translation for the getAddress request button. Default is "Get address". | |
resurs_trigger_test_callback | filter | string | string | External trigger for the test callback. | |
set_storeid | filter | string | string | Store id, old filter. | |
resurs_getaddress_enabled | filter | boolean | boolean | Sets, in the old fashioned way, a state if getAddress should be enabled where it is normally disabled. | |
rbwc_customer_synchronize | trigger | $('body').trigger( | - | Javascript frontend trigger. Used to synchronize customer billing/shipping fields. Event contains. depending on version. resursBankRcoDataContainer Version 1 sample data: { "rco_customer": { "paymentMethod": "INVOICE", "customerData": { "address": { "firstname": "Korv", "surname": "Alexandersson", "address": "Glassgatan 15", "addressExtra": "", "postal": "41655", "city": "Göteborg", "countryCode": "SE", "telephone": "0701122334", "email": "" }, "delivery": {}, "ssn": "198001010001", "paymentMethod": "INVOICE" } }, "rco_payment": "INVOICE" } resursBankRcoDataContainer Version 2 sample data (when deliveryAddress has content it looks similarly as billingAddress): resursBankRcoDataContainer Version 2 { "rco_customer": { "type": "CustomerChangeEvent", "ts": 1632576948828, "source": "@rco-app", "phone": "0701122334", "email": "", "billingAddress": { "firstName": "Vincent", "lastName": "Alexandersson", "addressRow1": "Glassgatan 15", "addressRow2": null, "postalCode": "41655", "city": "Göteborg" }, "deliveryAddress": { "firstName": null, "lastName": null, "addressRow1": null, "addressRow2": null, "postalCode": null, "city": null } }, "rco_payment": { "type": "PSP_DEBIT_CARD", "ts": 1632576948828, "source": "@rco-app", "method": "PSPCARD_DEBIT", "id": "PSPCARD_DEBIT", "fee": 0 } } | |
rbwc_purchase_reject | trigger | $('body').trigger( | - | Then ResursCheckout framework v1 or v2 rejects a payment, either because of a failure or a denied payment (v1 only), this trigger executes and can be picked up by integrated plugins to handle a rejected order. | |
rbwc_purchase_reject_customer_message | filter | string | string | When Resurs Bank Checkout rejects a payment due to failure/deny, this filter adds an extra note to customer in a front-end message. The default looks like below: $failNote = sprintf( __('Order was rejected by Resurs Bank with status %s.', 'trbwc'), $rejectType ); The above message is always injected in order notices and in the default customer message. After this message has been added to the order, further text are added: $failNote .= ' ' . WordPress::applyFilters( 'purchaseRejectCustomerMessage', __('Please contact customer service for more information.', 'trbwc') ); The above "Contact customer service"-message is added with a filter setup (which is this). If you want to change this message, you can use the mentioned filter to update the string with your own. | |
rbwc_get_payment_method_icon | filter | $url, $paymentMethodData | string | When logos are active for payment methods, you can customize the look of the icon by adding this filter. The output string should be a URL to your custom logo. For each payment method. $paymentMethodData contains details about type, specificType and id that is vital for method type detection. This also deprecates Error rendering macro 'jira' : null . | |
rbwc_get_specific_type_fields | filter | $return (array), $key | array | Customizable customer form fields for checkouts. See this section. | |
rbwc_get_minimum_annuity_price | filter | $integer, $customerCountry | integer | When annuity factors are handled, the minimum payment price is 150 SEK/DKK/NOK or 15 EUR for FI. If you really need to change this value to something lower, this is the filter to use. | |
rbwc_part_payment_string | filter | string, [ | string | When displaying part payment information on product pages, the below string is set to be default. This filter executes an internal feature that makes it possible to show part payment information via a WordPress page. It also helps if you want to generate your own information without a page. The second variable in this filter is the the default values for duration and months. Undocumented shortcodes is some of the data that can be extracted from getPaymentMethods, starting with "method". For example, to get the id from the current payment method in the annuity factor setup you can use "[metodId]" or "[methodDescription]". Default text: Part pay from %s per month. | |
rbwc_method_min_limit | filter | int, $paymentMethodInformation | int | If you want to limit the minimum allowed payment amount for a specific payment method, this is the one to set the data with. For example, you require payment amounts to be higher than 1000, to turn on the INVOICE, but the payment method allows payments from 500. The minAmount of the payment method can never be exceeded. | |
rbwc_method_max_limit | filter | int, $paymentMethodInformation | int | If you want to limit the maximum allowed payment amount for a specific payment method, this is the one to set the data with. For example, you require SWISH to not be higher than 10000 but the payment method allows payments up to 20000. The maxAmount of the payment method can never be exceeded. | |
part_payment_read_more_string | filter | string | string | Text to be shown in the installment sections (Defaults to 'Read more.', with translations in mind). | |
rbwc_set_curl_timeout | filter | int | int | If you need to change the curl timeouts (for very slow connections) this gives you the value 12 by default, and this can be changed to a higher or lower value on demand. The timeouts are linked to ecom php communication with Resurs Bank. | |
rbwc_get_default_country | filter | string | string | Default returns get_option('woocommerce_default_country') but can be changed on fly if this is very important for you. | |
rbwc_get_configuration_fields | filter | array | array | Get configuration field array after it's has been rendered by the plugin. The input value is not necessary here, since this filter is only written to extract content from the configuration field array. | |
rbwc_is_available | filter | bool | bool | Used internally by the plugin to announce its precense naturally. You COULD use constants, but it's not guaranteed to work properly that way. | |
getImageSpinner | filter | string | string | Ability to change spinner image on things loading. | |
isLoaded | action | bool | - | Executed when this plugin is done initiating all internal functions. Extremely effective for things that can not execute during initialization, but after. | |
rbwc_payment_method_array | filter | array | array | Array with fetched payment methods used by the SOAP-fetcher. This is mostly used to update payment methods before showing them on screen. | |
can_use_soap_methods | filter | bool | bool | Allows disabling payment methods by SOAP (for performance). |