Settings in the old release
Settings in the old release
This page is written to sort out what's what in the different versions. When SAME is shown, this does not mean that the setting is the exact same, because the setting still lives in different namespaces. What's changed in the first plugin is not affected in the second. The key values and what they do is however the same.
Setting | Key name | Tab | RB v2.x | Notes |
Enable plugin checkout functions | enabled | Basic | SAME | |
Checkout type | checkout_type | Basic | flowType | |
Environment | environment | Basic | serverEnv | |
Username | login | Basic | SAME | |
Username Production | login_production | Basic | NO | |
Password | password | Basic | SAME | |
Password Production | password_production | Basic | NO | |
Chosen merchant country | country | Basic | PRESENT, BUT DIFFERENT | Resurs Bank has it's own setting. This release uses default store country set by WooCommerce. |
Enable extended test mode | extended_test_mode | Basic | NO | |
Order id numbering | order_id_type | Basic | postidreference |