There are a few modules that you'd want to be aware of. Here's a list of them and how to use them.
Wrappers and drivers
Lonewolf Driver
This is actually not a driver. As the documentation is built a bit at the time as development goes forward (taking a look at Developer notes and secrets may help a lot when you're lost as this is the primary notes-to-self section), you could very much getting starting without the documentation if you prefer to follow the phpunits by looking here or here. That's the lonewolf method in short.
Generic Requests
All wrappers is built around a request method. In version 6.0, each request method has its own method: doGet for GET-requests, doPost for POST-requests, doDelete for DELETE, and so on. In 6.1 we stay with the request method. NetWrapper and MODULE_CURL however supports the old do-methods, even if it is highly recommended to not use those methods.
Basic Drivers