Hurricane electric assigns prefixes by automation. The tunnel types there are based on the SIT-protocol. By requesting directly from them, there won't be any slowdowns in the routing.
Supporting GRE but prefers OpenVPN. See below.
Remote Servers
Remote Host | Description |
tunnel-prd.tornevall.net | Round robin based remote server |
tunnel02.tornevall.net |
tunnel03.tornevall.net |
Network/PrfLen | Local Uplink Prefix | Delegatable prefixesHost Prflen | Prefix/Length* | Inbound Address | OpenVPN Tunnel Assignments | Local Prflen Delegations | Location | if-gw |
| | | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | 64+ |
| | | |
| | | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | 64+ |
| | | |
| | | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | 64+ |
| | Status |
| |
colour | Green |
title | fremont/US |
| |
| | Status |
| |
colour | RedGreen |
title | not yet set68 |
| 2607:5500:3000:78a:2000::1/68 |
| | | |
| | Status |
| |
colour | RedGreen |
title | not yet set |
| Status |
colour | Yellow |
title | 80 |
| | | 2a01:4f9:c010:3142:2000::1/6468 | Green642a01 2a02:4f9c207:c0102042:31425731:2a01:21a0:35ff::/68112 | | | |
| | | 2a02:c207:2042:5731:2a012000::1/68 |
| | | |
* If prefix/length is set to
, the uplink is assigned directly at Tornevall Networks. If the networks are defined other ways for example , the entry point assignment is not set at Tornevall Networks SE-level. It is probably assigned elsewhere as a tunnel or similar.** Special assignments, with (probably) exclusive access (smtp, irc, or a static primary network). Normally, this is not something we assign externally.
Red marked ip ranges is networks that is not ready for assignments yet.
Visual view
Gliffy |
name | tornevall-openvpn |
pagePin | 3 |