Also solves a bunch of other problems:*
- Added mock for createIframeExceptions. Turns out that paymentId is sometimes reused in a bad way, causing the plugin to shut down. If there's a payment id where Resurs Bank is protesting, the plugin now regenerates a new payment id each time we get an exception from Resurs Bank. I know we should use code 3, 8 or 404 detection here but we always regenerate payment id's at first for the moment. By enabling mocking, we can simulate such errors easy.
- So getProperPaymentId is updated with a $forceNew feature, since ecom aswell tries to reuse payment id's unless the force.
- Added support for can_log_info, meaning all mocked exceptions can now be logged except for the INFO-serverities that is already forced into the logs.
- Auto debit feature is already there, we only put it in effect where the status array needed the AUTO_DEBIT too.
- Options for methods that supports autodebits are added and status selector for them.
- Added filter setCurlTimeout.
- "Critical" Exceptions are not returning file and line when throwing exceptions (Related to RWC-258 and #56).
- Typos "desc_top" changed to "desc_tip" so now descriptions are shown as they should in wp-admin.
- Fixed a public in the mocking section (plugin).