Contribution Section
- The plugin, when creating an order-api URLs, is using Woocommerce-approved components to generate a proper url based on which permalink setup you run with.
- The plugin first had plans to implement a filter that made it possible to add extra data into signing urls (where success/fail works) so that developers can pass their own values, but I realized that if someone implements data in this section in a wrong way, the entire URL sent to Resurs Bank could break. Therefore that plan has been revoked (
)Jira Legacy server Tornevall Networks serverId ef1f2374-e58a-319f-9d38-10348dbac859 key RWC-218
Special features
Each order in the order view will save its current API status
The admin functions are going into a more native state than before. Instead of bulked configuration rows, all settings are stored in wp_options per keyed row. See image below. This makes the configuration sections in the plugin less sensitive when it comes to serialized arrays. Everything are saved with a unique prefix that indicates that the data belongs to the plugin. The admininstration configuration are now also built with the WC_Admin_Settings API (output_fields method):, which increases WooCommerce-version 3.4.0 as the least requirement.
The admin functions are going into a more native state than before. Instead of bulked configuration rows, all settings are stored in wp_options per keyed row. See image below. This makes the configuration sections in the plugin less sensitive when it comes to serialized arrays. Everything are saved with a unique prefix that indicates that the data belongs to the plugin. The admininstration configuration are now also built with the WC_Admin_Settings API (output_fields method):, which increases WooCommerce-version 3.4.0 as the least requirement.