Exception | Code | Description | Status |
NETCURL_NO_ERROR | 0 | No errors occured. False alarm |
NETCURL_EXCEPTION_IT_WORKS | 1 | You've triggered a test exception somewhere |
NETCURL_CURL_MISSING | 1000 | curl is missing in your system | |
NETCURL_SETFLAG_KEY_EMPTY | 1001 | When using the netcurl method setFlag($keyName, $keyValue) and $keyName has no value |
NETCURL_COOKIEPATH_SETUP_FAIL | 1002 | When paths for setting cookie files can not be set due to permissions or similar | |
NETCURL_IPCONFIG_NOT_VALID | 1003 | When configuring outgoing ip address for calls, and the address can not be identified neither as IPv4 nor IPv6 |
NETCURL_SETSSLVERIFY_UNVERIFIED_NOT_SET | 1004 | In prior versions of NetCurl, some parameters for SSL verification could not be set unless another flag was enabled | |
NETCURL_DOMDOCUMENT_CLASS_MISSING | 1005 | Drivers for document tree in PHP is missing |
NETCURL_GETPARSEDVALUE_KEY_NOT_FOUND | 1006 | Occurs when getParsedValue is used without a $keyName (recursion error) |
NETCURL_SOAPCLIENT_CLASS_MISSING | 1007 | Using SOAP without the SoapClient installed |
NETCURL_SIMPLESOAP_GETSOAP_CREATE_FAIL | 1008 | When SoapClient could not be initialized for an unknown reason (occurs after possible failover tries) |
NETCURL_WP_TRANSPORT_ERROR | 1009 | Occurs on external driver initializiation, when no transport layer has been found (curl or streams) |
NETCURL_CURL_DISABLED | 1010 | Having curl disabled when checking for external drivers (deprecated as of 6.0.20) | |
NETCURL_NOCOMM_DRIVER | 1011 | When no communications driver exists (deprecated as of 6.0.20) | |
NETCURL_EXTERNAL_DRIVER_MISSING | 1012 | Was used in driver initialization (6.0.19 or lower) when failover to guzzleStream failed | |
NETCURL_GUZZLESTREAM_MISSING | 1013 | Occurs during the call in guzzleDriver, when the method request in the worker was not found | |
NETCURL_HOSTVALIDATION_FAIL | 1014 | Occurs during extraction of url domain and the DNS resolved fails to look up an extracted hostname |
NETCURL_PEMLOCATIONDATA_FORMAT_ERROR | 1015 | Occurs when SSL pem locations are misconfigured |
NETCURL_DOMDOCUMENT_EMPTY | 1016 | When a domdocument is empty (seems to be unused) |
NETCURL_NO_DRIVER_AVAILABLE_NOT_EVEN_CURL | 1017 | Trying to initialize NetCurl without any communications driver ("not even curl") |
NETCURL_UNEXISTENT_FUNCTION | 1018 | Reserved for future use (when a __call can't find a proper method to fire up |
NETCURL_PARSE_XML_FAILURE | 1019 | This usually happens when you're using older versions of NetCURL or where the IO library is not installed (composer should handle this). In NetCURL 6.0.20, XML rendering is being made from this library |